TA Publishing Responds to Fan Feedback on the Panzer Dragoon Remake E3 Footage

TA Publishing Responds to Fan Feedback on the Panzer Dragoon Remake E3 Footage
By Solo Wing

Since Panzer Dragoon: Remake was unveiled to the world at E3 2019, fans have posted a wide range of reactions to the game. Although much of the feedback has been positive, some of us who have followed the series for years have been less certain about aspects of the remake. Benjamin Anseaume, Head of Publishing and Associate at TA Publishing (a subsidiary of Forever Entertainment) has posted a series of tweets responding to the feedback:

We got a lot of feedback on the trailer and the gameplay video, that’s awesome. I can’t reply to everyone but just few insights. Small thread ⬇️

Please keep in mind that, while hardcore fans are extremely important for us, our goal is also to increase the audience of the game, if we want to see more Panzer games. We have to re-imagine a game which is 25 years old and had some limitations back then.

We will have to make choices, about gameplay and art direction. And there are many people involved with their own opinion at Forever, MegaPixel Studio, TA Publishing and of course Sega 🙂

Something else is extremely important: trying to get some distance with our nostalgia, because something we loved back then may be not possible anymore.

We had some feedback saying that we should remove backgrounds elements because in the original game it was only a big sea with almost nothing, but it can’t be our direction, as players request nice and detailed backgrounds today.

Lastly, I want to ensure you all that we are doing our best, and we may be able to communicate some great news in the upcoming weeks for you, old fans 😉

Anyway, thank you for you support guys, past three days have been crazy, and full of emotions, the Panzer Dragoon community is the greatest and we are starting an awesome journey together!

Although we may not agree with everything said here, we’re certainly glad that the various parties involved in bringing the remake to life are listening what has been said. If you’d like your voice to be heard, be sure to comment over on the Forever Entertainment Discord server.