Panzer Dragoon Revival Reaches 500 Signatures

By Solo Wing

Our Panzer Dragoon Revival petition, which plans to ask Sega to re-release the four Panzer Dragoon games on the current and/or next generation consoles, has reached 500 signatures. We’re pleased to have reached this number, however it would be great to reach a higher number of signatures before we send the petition to Sega. I would love to see the petition reach 1000 signatures.

If you’re reading this then it’s likely that you’ve already signed the petition. But there’s still more that you can do to help. If each person who is reading this asks one other person to sign the petition it will go a long way in increasing the total signature count.

Do you have a gamer friend who has not played the Panzer Dragoon series but is be curious about it? Get them to sign it.

Do you know of someone who has played the Panzer Dragoon series but doesn’t follow The Will of the Ancients? Send them the link.

If each person who follows The Will of the Ancients on Facebook gets one person to sign the petition, we’ll have an additional 176 signatures. You can also help by sharing the link around on gaming forums you frequent (without spamming of course), or in the comments section below articles about the revival of other classic Sega games. These are just some of the ways that you can help; if you have other ideas, please share them with the Panzer Dragoon community.