Panzer Dragoon Orta Joins Xbox Game Pass Lineup!

Panzer Dragoon Orta Joins Xbox Game Pass Lineup!
By Draikin

As you may already know, Panzer Dragoon Orta was made backwards compatible on Xbox One a while ago, allowing the game to run on much higher resolutions than on the original Xbox. Microsoft has now announced the game will be joining their lineup of Xbox Game Pass games on October 17! If you haven’t heard about the service before, Xbox Game Pass is a subscription service that offers players access to a large number of digital Xbox One games for a fixed price per month. The game still looks spectacular on Xbox One and plays just as well. It also has a surprising amount of content, including a port of the original Panzer Dragoon! If you have Xbox Game Pass, there’s really no reason not to play one of the best railshooters ever made.