Markdown Syntax Guide

The following subset of Markdown syntax can be used to format content throughout the site.

News Entry Specific Markdown

The following custom Markdown features can only be used in news entries for embedding specialised content. These features are not standard Markdown syntax; they exist to make the writer’s job a bit easier.

To embed a thumbnail of a picture hosted on Panzer Dragoon Legacy, type the following, where the jpeg file name matches the picture’s URL:


The use of the .jpg file extension identifies it as a picture. In news entries image thumbnails have no captions, but the alt text will be automatically added based on the picture’s name. It will embed a thumbnail of the correct size for the picture located at the following URL:

Note, if you want to group a set of thumbnails together, you should place the image tags on separate lines, but with no blank lines in between them:


If you want to group the image A separate from images B and C, leave a blank line between the image tags like this:



Embedded music tracks

To embed an audio player which plays a music track hosted on Panzer Dragoon Legacy, type the following, where the mp3 file name matches the music track’s URL:


The use of the .mp3 file extension identifies it as a music track and embeds the music track located at the following URL:

Embedded videos

To embed a video player which plays a video hosted on Panzer Dragoon Legacy, type the following, where the mp4 file name matches the video’s URL:


The use of the .mp4 file extension identifies it as a video and embeds the video located at the following URL:

Other embedded contact

YouTube videos, SoundCloud audio players, and other external media supported by Onebox can be embedded in news entries by simply pasting a URL beginning with http:// or https:// on a new line. The URL must be separated from the surrounding content by blank lines above and below:

Universal Markdown

This following Markdown syntax can be used across the site in most text areas, with description text areas being a notable exception.

Stress Emphasis

Stress emphasis can be displayed by wrapping text in asterisks. Do not use stress emphasis for all italicised text, as it will be vocally emphasised to visually impaired users by their screen reader.


The following text is *important*.


The following text is important.

Strong Importance

Strong importance can be displayed by wrapping text in double asterisks. Do not use strong importance for all bold text, as it will be vocally strongly emphasised to visually impaired users by their screen reader.


The following text is **really important**.


The following text is really important.

Creative Works

Game, book, movie, and other “creative work” titles can be displayed with the regular HTML <cite> tag. Do not use *emphasis* for creative works, as titles should not be vocally emphasised to visually impaired users by their screen reader.


The greatest game in the series is <cite>Panzer Dragoon Saga</cite>.


The greatest game in the series is Panzer Dragoon Saga.

Hyperlinks can be created with square brackets for the link text followed by parentheses for the link URL.


Here's a link to [Joystiq](


Here’s a link to Joystiq.

Relative links to other resources on the site can be created by excluding the domain name. This is the preferable approach for creating internal links in case we change the domain name or run a copy of site on another domain.


Here's a link to the [Panzer Dragoon Script](/literature/728-panzer-dragoon-script).


Here’s a link to the Panzer Dragoon Script.

To link to a page belonging to the same resource (e.g. link from a literature page to another literature page, or a link from a top level page to another top level page) you can leave off the resource name and forward slash.


Here's a link to the [How to Contribute](how-to-contribute) page.


Here’s a link to the How to Contribute page.


Quoted text can be displayed inside a blockquote using the > symbol at the start of each quoted paragraph.


> The arrow of light that cannot be shielded, the shell that cannot be speared, and the wings that cannot tire. These are the powers of the dragon.


The arrow of light that cannot be shielded, the shell that cannot be speared, and the wings that cannot tire. These are the powers of the dragon.

Unordered Lists

Unordered lists can be displayed by placing a hyphen before each list item.


- Edge
- Azel
- Craymen


  • Edge
  • Azel
  • Craymen

Ordered Lists

Ordered lists can be displayed by placing the item number and a dot before the list item.


1. Panzer Dragoon
2. Panzer Dragoon II Zwei
3. Panzer Dragoon Saga


  1. Panzer Dragoon
  2. Panzer Dragoon II Zwei
  3. Panzer Dragoon Saga

Description Lists

Pairs of terms and definitions can be marked up as description lists using a colon preceding the definition on the line directly below the term.


Elixir Minor
: Replenishes HP by 200.


Elixir Minor
Replenishes HP by 200.

Description lists can also have terms with multiple definitions. For example:


: Hitoshi Nakanishi
: Kengo Naka
: Hiroshi Yamazaki
: Asaya Yamazaki


Hitoshi Nakanishi
Kengo Naka
Hiroshi Yamazaki
Asaya Yamazaki

Inline Code

You can display inline code without it being converted to Markdown by wrapping it with the ` symbol.


This is how to create emphasised text in Markdown: `*emphasis*`.


This is how to create emphasised text in Markdown: *emphasis*.

Code Blocks

You can display multiple lines of code without it being converted to Markdown by placing three tildes before and after the block.


This is how to create an unordered list in Markdown:

- Edge
- Azel
- Craymen


This is how to create an unordered list in Markdown:

    - Edge
    - Azel
    - Craymen

Line Breaks

Markdown automatically joins lines of text together to form paragraphs. This is useful when copying and pasting emails that split paragraphs into multiple lines. On the off chance that you do need to start a new line, end the previous line with two spaces. Note that line breaks should be used sparingly; often an unordered list will be more suitable.


Here is a line of text which ends with two spaces.  
Here is another line of text directly below the previous line.


Here is a line of text which ends with two spaces.
Here is another line of text directly below the previous line.

Escape Characters

Literal characters can be inserted by preceding the character with a backslash.


\*literal asterisks\*


*literal asterisks*

The following characters can be escaped with a backslash:

*   asterisk
\   backslash
`   backtick
{}  curly braces
.   dot
!   exclamation mark
#   hash mark
-   hyphen / minus sign
()  parentheses
+   plus sign
[]  square brackets
_   underscore

Page Specific Markdown

The following advanced Markdown features can only be used in pages, such as literature and literature chapters.

Second level headings

Second level headings can be inserted into articles to break up the text by preceding the subheading with a double hash.


## This is a second level heading


This is a second level heading

Third level headings

Similar to second level headings, third level headings can be inserted by preceding the heading with three hashes. Note, third level headings should be used sparingly to avoid complexity.


### This is a third level heading


This is a third level heading

Modern illustrations

Illustrations and captions can be inserted using the ![Caption](file-name.jpg) format. It is recommended that the caption and filename are similarly named and accurately describe what is in the picture, as demonstrated below. Illustrations should always have a caption as this doubles as alternative text for visually impaired users.

Images greater or equal to 768 pixels wide will take up the whole width of the page text. These are known as “modern” illustrations and are best suited to higher resolution images such a screenshots of Panzer Dragoon games for modern consoles.


![Panzer Dragoon: Remake Screenshot](panzer-dragoon-remake-screenshot.jpg)


Panzer Dragoon: Remake Screenshot
Panzer Dragoon: Remake Screenshot

Individual legacy illustrations

Images less than 768 pixels wide will take up half the width of the page text. These are known as “legacy” illustrations as best suited to lower resolution images, such as screenshots of the Saturn Panzer Dragoon games. Legacy illustrations will be automatically aligned to the left or right (alternating between the two placements automatically).

Note: you will need to add enough page text next to the illustration to cover at least the height of the image, otherwise the layout will appear broken.


![Panzer Dragoon II Zwei Logo](panzer-dragoon-ii-zwei-logo.jpg)


Panzer Dragoon II Zwei Logo
Panzer Dragoon II Zwei Logo

Adjacent legacy Illustrations

Two illustrations can be placed side by side by placing two image tags on the same line separated by a space, or on seperate lines next to each other. These adjacent illustrations will share a single frame. Note that side by side illustrations should be used sparingly to avoid clutter on the page but can be useful for comparative purposes.


![Logo 1](logo-1.jpg) ![Logo 2](logo-2.jpg)


Logo 1 Logo 2
TopLeftLogo 1BottomRightLogo 2

Horizontal Rules

Horizonal rules can be used to break up text by placing three asterisks with spaces between them on a new line.


* * *



Footnotes can be inserted in the body of an article using the [^footnote-id] syntax and by using the [^footnote-id]: syntax in the References section at the end of the article. The content management system will automatically convert the footnote ID’s into footnote numbers when the page is displayed.


Lord Craymen was 47 years old in Panzer Dragoon Saga.[^craymens-age]

[^craymens-age]: This information can be found on the [Characters page]( of Team Andromeda's website.


Lord Craymen was 47 years old in Panzer Dragoon Saga.1

  1. This information can be found on the Characters page of Team Andromeda’s website.