Village of Elpis - Ruins

Balin: Why won’t you just listen?!

Karl: You have just dropped 5 marks in my consideration Balin!

Balin: What if they aren’t just fairy tales?

Karl: What? You think that one of them is gonna come from Hell to attack us for this?

Balin: I don’t know but I’m not taking any chances. The gods might not like it!

Karl: If all people from Meccania were like you we would be dead by now…

Balin: Aren’t we already, Karl? -taking a long breath then continuing- Cause we sure aren’t living. This must be a punishment from the gods! Maybe the Emperor really is connected to them in some way…

Karl: Ah come one Balin you are better than that!?

Balin: I don’t care what you say, I’m leaving! Even if it has nothing to do with the gods, I’m not risking my life on a place where there could be dragons!

Karl: You look just like the Imperial scum: running away every time they are afraid.

Balin: Actually they don’t usually do that.

Karl: What?! See?! Now you are defending them.

Balin: -Long sigh- As I said, I’m leaving.

The soldier made explorer mounts his ride and heads towards the horizon.

Karl: Go away! I don’t need ya! - Karl shouts.

Then, heading towards one of the village’s destroyed huts (intending to search for any evidence in their remains) he starts loading his gun:

Karl: Just in case - he whispered to himself - just in case.