Single Physical Dragon Theory Remastered Edition

Single Physical Dragon Theory Remastered Edition
By Solo Wing

Back in 2012, we reviewed all of the articles on The Will of the Ancients as part of the effort to bring the site up to a higher standard of quality. During this clean up process we edited or rewrote most of the existing articles, but a particular article got put to one side: a theory arguing that the dragon was the same physical dragon in all four Panzer Dragoon games.

The revised version, now called the Single Physical Dragon Theory, is finally complete. If you open the page, you’ll see why we delayed editing the article for so long. At almost 10,000 words, the article discusses a wide range of interconnecting topics in great detail. Whenever we attempted to argue for a particular angle, two more holes would appear elsewhere in the theory. The theory is now about as a good it will ever be. So here it is, our behemoth for all the world to see.

The new table of contents feature at the start of the theory has also been applied to other articles on the site. Whenever an article has headings, it now has a generated table of contents. I hope this new feature will make The Will of the Ancients more accessible, especially for long articles such as this one.