New Forums Soon

By Solo Wing

Right. So if you’re an active member of the Panzer Dragoon community you’re probably come here to find where on earth the new forums are. For those of you who visit this site but weren’t a member of the Die Welt von Panzer Dragoon forums, let me explain:

Yesterday, lordcraymen, who is in charge of the forums told me his intentions to close the Excavation Camp and the Town of Zoah forums completely. As the Panzer Dragoon community would otherwise be homeless, I have agreed to host a new set of forums for fans of the series on this website. The Tower of Uru (name subject to change) will carry on what the Excavation Camp started - it will act as a place for fans to discuss anything Panzer related.

However, please note that these are completely new forums! Due to the number of bugs on the old forums and the increasing difficulty to backup the database, the new forums will not contain the existing messages and rankings, so you will have to do a clean sign up once again.

The Tower of Uru should be online later today, but it will by no means be complete. I will be working on a nicer layout over the next few weeks.