Moving the Art of Panzer Dragoon

Moving the Art of Panzer Dragoon
By Solo Wing

A while back, we added Lagi: The Art of Panzer Dragoon as a subsite on The Will of the Ancients. Since Lagi no longer wished to continue running this archive of Panzer Dragoon artwork, it was natural to move the art here.

Since Lagi’s site was originally designed as a separate site, it is not practical to integrate it with the encyclopaedia here. For this reason, and to simplify the setup here, I’ve decided to move the art to The Will of the Ancients itself. This will be a gradual process. For now, you can find just the Official Art - Panzer Dragoon category in the Pictures section. This art has been linked to the “related pictures” section of relevant encyclopaedia entries, for example in the Panzer Dragoon entry.

You can expect more images to be moved across and integrated into the encyclopaedia over the next few weeks. In the long term, I aim to merge the content from other discontinued subsites such as The Panzer Place into The Will of the Ancients as well.