More News on the Panzer Front

By Geoffrey

The webmaster of Shin Force has added a whole new section to his site devoted to the Panzer Dragoon series, which includes reviews of each game in the series (with the exception of Panzer Dragoon Mini), as well as artwork, cheats, codes and more. Shinobi’s site is one of my favourite sources for reviews of Sega games, so it’s worth checking out if you haven’t already.

On another matter, it seems that Jeremy’s site (mentioned in the previous update) was downsized to a free plan, meaning his site can no longer host most of the content it hosted before (including the Panzer Dragoon OVA). This also means that his site has changed addresses once again. I’m not sure what happened exactly, but I hope that those of you who were eager to see the Panzer Dragoon anime for themselves (however awful it may be) grabbed it while they could. I’ve updated the links section to include where you can find his site now.