Art Comes in Various Forms

By Solo Wing

Unfortunately the official Panzer Dragoon Orta website has been taken offline, however forum member Hein has kindly uploaded an archive of the site to The departure of the official site brings back memories of Sega of America’s official Panzer Dragoon Orta website (now also offline) and the flash game that was featured on that site. Al3xand3r has sent me the swf files that make up this game, which I have added to the Accessories section. You can run the game in any web browser that includes the Flash plugin by extracting the contents of the zip file and opening index.htm. For convenience, the game is also accessible without downloading the files manually.

In this update, Hein has submitted a picture of Orta and the dragon using WebPainter. His friend Huoshen has created a piece of artwork featuring Edge, Azel, and their dragons in children forms. I’ve also added a piece of Panzer Dragoon fan art (which could double as a wallpaper) created by Corporal Kitty.

Orta and Her Dragon (Web Painter) Azel and Edge as Children Orta and the Panzer Dragoon Logo

And now for something that I’ve been meaning to add to the site for a while, something a bit different. My friend who goes by the name Kayne Nemesis on the Internet, has given me a copy of a game of Snakes and Ladders that he created for a university project. The board consists of a traditional Snakes and Ladders grid, but with a Panzer Dragoon theme added to it. Kayne was the person who introduced me to the world of Panzer Dragoon back in 1997, so he deserves credit for far more than this submission. :)

Panzer Dragoon Snakes and Ladders

That’s all the new content for this update. On the forums, we’re looking for volunteers to translate various texts from the Japanese Panzer Dragoon guidebooks. If you know of anyone who can read Japanese and would be willing to help out, please get in touch.