Panzer Dragoon X

Date: 05/11/29

Entry: 5

What a day it has been. As soon as we reached the wasteland, we (after first scanning the area for monsters) decided to set up camp and rest. So much for shelter, Roc merely wrapped his wings around me, creating an organic cocoon of safety, yet beggars can’t be choosers. Either way, I know I am safe with Roc. I can’t remember at what time I fell into intense slumber, but I can assume it was moments after the dragon blanketed me.

When I awoke the next morning, the first thing I did was scavenge for food, since I had not eaten in days, I was quite weary and almost at the point of starvation. Apparently the rest had not helped. I searched my surroundings for an acceptable source of food for about an hour, never venturing far from my winged friend. I was able to find a small spring amongst some desert plants, which I was thankful for. The only other food I could find was some strange dried piece of meat from an animal I dared not to guess. However, in my condition I had no choice but to eat it.

Around mid-day, the heat from the desert had risen to a high, most likely the hottest weather I have ever been in. We had been traveling on foot for a few hours, to give Roc some efficient rest. I was forced to taking off my shirt to keep from overheating. Roc did his best to comfort me. Soon we departed from land to air, which was much faster, and Roc was more relaxed. Unfortunately, the humid breeze didn’t do anything to aid my need for cool air, as it was hotter than it was on foot.

We travelled by air for some time, encountering no monsters, or at least ones worth fearing, and I began to wonder if Roc really was taking me somewhere. Perhaps he was just some dumb animal like a burrower, wondering why he is accompanied by a human like myself. As I day-dreamed, Roc halted and then landed.

I can remember asking him why he stopped several times, yet he did not respond. He merely stood there, in silence, and the only noise that could be heard was my voice. I stopped talking and realized that something was not right. I listened. I heard nothing. Roc sniffed the air and screeched. I knew that we were not alone.

My dragon took flight, but he didn’t seem scared. He actually seemed somewhat excited. Why, Roc actually appeared to be scanning the desert for lifeforms, which is what I found myself doing to make sure we were out of danger. Soon enough, Roc did spot something. Right in the middle of a sand-dune, lay a figure. It looked like a man, but far more pallid. Roc glided in the direction of the object and landed about twenty feet from it.

The wind got stronger, and I knew a sand-storm was on its way. I ran towards the thing, face-down in the sand. It was very human-like, but clearly not human. I puzzled for a moment. Could it have been a drone of the time before the age of chaos? No. All of the drones discovered by the Neo-Empire barely resembled humans. This one was too much of a person. I rolled the figure over. His was pale, and his lips were black. Long black hair flowed down his back. The rest of his body didn’t look very human-like, although shaped like a human. He also had the same limbs as a human, but small pieces of metal were attached to his skin in some places, and his entire left arm was coiled in a rubbery, fleshy wire. This was certainly not a human.

Dust filled my mouth, and sand whistled past my ears as the storm began to get violent very quickly. I grabbed the mysterious man and carried him over to Roc, placing him on Roc’s back. I too, climbed on, and prepared to fly. As we took the sky, something about this passenger caught my eye. He was carrying something with him in a small holster-like compartment that was apparently attached to his skin. It was an odd weapon, clearly a gun of an older time. I had no idea that the ancients used guns of this kind. Actually, I was unaware that the ancients even used handguns like this. How could this man have such a thing in his possession? As the sand grew thicker, I once again lost my sight, and that’s all I can remember.

Date: 06/11/29

Entry: 6

The past few days have been rough. We have been accompanied by a new comrade, who is still unconscious as we fly. Roc has made much progress since we left. In fact, last night, he shed his wings. They have now regrown as longer, serrated pinions. This dragon never ceases to amaze me. He had morphed during our slumber last evening, after a run-in with a groups of burrowers, which had made a groups of sand-dunes as their colony. Roc was not hesitant to eliminate them with his arrows of light.

It seems that as he experiences combat, he will go through even more changes. This morning, I was able to replenish our water supply in a spring nearby. The fluid appears to be biologically safe, since it came from a plant devoid of mutation, and I was also able to acquire more food from some desert plants.

I can expect our new friend to wake soon. Last night I could have sworn I heard him stir in his sleep, but when I checked on him he seemed unchanged… He is so strange, yet so elegant. Whether he is a man or machine, there is something different about him that separates him from both categories. My patience is thinning, I am so interested in learning about him. I hope he will wake up soon… My word, I can see something in the distance… It looks like the Tower that Roc and I met each other in… This is the Tower that Roc wanted me to see… So it is true…