Panzer Dragoon Orta Sub Scenario Episode 7: Inescapable Fate

Official text extracted from Panzer Dragoon Orta.

Epeisodion Septua: Inescapable Fate

Make your way to the area where the ancient weapon is located.


Opening Text

I returned to the Seekers’ den.

Emid: I knew it! I knew you’d change things around here!

Iva: I’m… sorry.

~ I couldn’t shoot her…

~ !!

Emid: What’s wrong?!

~ Oh no… not now… Iva: M… my m… medicine…

Emid: H, hold on! Medicine… It’s in your pack, right? The one that you had when we found you?

Iva: Y… es…

~ Oh please… Make it stop… please…

Emid: Here! I think this is it!

It’s the last pill…

Here… Swallow it…

Emid: You’re finally awake… I was starting to think you weren’t… Nevermind. How are you feeling?

Iva: I’m okay…

~ Gone. They’re all gone. That was the last of my medicine… Next time, I just might never wake up. ~ My amulet… Father…

What am I to do??

Emid: Hey… That’s a letter, right? Who could it be from?

Iva: Huh? A letter?

Emid: Yeah, it’s a letter container used by tribes out in the frontiers. Here… They can be pretty tricky to open. Iva: Sure…

~ A letter from Father!

“I hope this letter does not come to you under any aberrant circumstances, for if you are reading this, it means that I am dead.

Iva, there is something that I must tell you, but I could never do so face to face.

You are carrying a virus. When you were much younger, you drank water from a polluted well.

Most people suffer from severe fits, fall into a coma, and die within hours of being exposed to the same virus. But, I could not allow it to happen to you. I extracted chemicals from the bodily fluids of a bio-engineered creature, and created a cure that I tested on you. While it did not cure your illness, it stopped the virus from spreading, and you somehow miraculously survived.

However, the medicine I created stopped working after a short period of time. The virus has grown immune to its effects.

I began to create new medicines from the fluids of more and more powerful creatures.

And after many different medicines, I ran out of options. There was not a creature in this world from which I could make a medicine to save you.

That is what drove me to join in the development of the dragonmares…

The medicine that you are currently taking is the medicine that I created from the fluids of a dragonmare.

Iva… I know how much you despise war.

Perhaps you are right.

Perhaps the dragonmares have no place in this world. Power such as that could only lead to the destruction of this world…


I just wanted to be with you for as long fate would allow.

Is the medicine still helping? How many pills do you have left?

Please, don’t give up. Don’t ever give up. There must be a cure. I’m sure of it. You must find it, now that I am gone.

Iva… you are my son. I have faith in you.

And please… forgive me.

Love, Father”

~ Father…

Man: We’re being attacked!

Noof: Dragonmares!!!

Man: Damn those bastards!! Are they trying to wipe us out?!

Emid: I can’t believe this! Why?!

Iva: …

~ My father created the dragonmares…

It is my duty to destroy them!

Before I knew it, I was jumping into my pod, and was flying after them.

Emid: Iva! It’s beneath the waterfall!!

Noof: Hey! You told him about the weapon?!

Emid: Shut up! Somebody’s gotta do something, or we’re all going to die!!

Iva: Emid…!

I left for Yelico Valley.

The dragonmares chased me for a while, but using the power of my new engine, I was able to escape somehow.

Iva: Hey! That’s…!

Radio: Iva…? Iva, is that you?? Hey, it’s me, Murat! Don’t you remember? We went to Military School together!

Radio: I can’t believe it! It’s Iva! Iva, you’re alive!

Iva: Murat! … and Pial?

Radio: Yeah! It’s me, Pial! I made it into the military, too!

Radio: Iva!! How’ve you been???

Iva: Hamuz?!

Radio: Yep!

Radio: What are you soldiers doing?! Shoot him!!! Have you forgotten your orders?!

Radio: … I can’t.

Radio: What did you say?!

Radio: I can’t shoot him…

Radio: I… I can’t shoot him, either!

Radio: What’s the meaning of this?!

Iva: Guys…

Iva: Guys… All of you… Leave this place! Now!!!

Radio: …

Iva: Guys…

Radio: …

During Gameplay

Looks like I pushed the engine too hard. The accelerator isn’t working…

What a waste. Noof went through all that trouble installing this new engine.

There! That thing at the bottom must be the teleporter…

Emid told me that it will teleport anyone who stands near the center…

System: Authentication complete. Beginning teleportation sequence.

System: Authentication complete. Now releasing the secret cell.

!? The engine…!

Cut-Scene (Imperial Boy Last Event)


Everyone… please forgive me!

… I’m still alive?

The dragonmares… They’re getting away.

Ending Text

It turns out that this legendary weapon was not the weapon of mass destruction that the Seekers believed it to be.

It was a sound generator… designed specifically to combat bio- engineered creatures.

Soldier: I… I’ve never seen anything so beautiful…

The soldiers laid down their weapons, and the fighting stopped.

And whether or not the Ancients intended it to do so, the sounds also seemed to calm the hearts of men.

Iva: Father…

Emid: Iva? Is something wrong?

Iva: I’m so tired…

Emid: … Rest, Iva. Rest. I shall watch over you while you sleep.

Iva: Thank you…

I realize that people are stupid. They hate each other, fight each other, and eventually, even try to kill each other.

But all I could think at the time was that humans created something so beautiful. And I was in awe.

A perfect rainbow, filling the entire sky.

And Stratei… Emid… all of my precious friends…

I’m glad that I came into this world. I’m glad that I met every one of you.


Failure Text

~ Emid told me that the Seekers found this spot and marked it with a sign…

I better watch out for that sign so I don’t lose my way…



{The following lines of dialogue exist in the game code for this episode, but they do not seem to be used in the finished game. Note that these lines would not have been refined as much as the text which can actually be seen in the finished game, and consequently the translation is quite rough in places:}



I guess I was expecting too much on the machine. Consecutive lift up is not something that could perform.

Be careful… not to lose your tempo…

Is this… the way to move up?

That’s is gonna be the last difficulty to conquer…

System: Authentication denied. Authentication process restarted.